- We won’t leave you out in the rain and that in the truest sense of the word. The men’s lace-up shoe is equipped with the water-repellent RiekerTex membrane, which is located under the high-quality imitation leather of the upper material. The membrane not only protects against moisture, but also against cold, which makes the shoe an all-weather shoe. What also helps is the profile and the rubberized surface of the outsole and block heel. Inside the shoe a light synthetic lining has been processed and a soft Antistress insole made of genuine leather. No man can resist this miracle of comfort from the new autumn/winter collection.
- Upper: imitation leather
- Colour according to manufacturer: brown
- water-repellent membrane: RiekerTex
- Lining: synthetic
- Insole: Antistress, leather
- Outsole: flexible, rubberized, profile
- Closure: lacing
- Heel: block, 2 cm
- Fit: normal
- Others: not waterproof